
It Takes Two: How One Herzing Couple Flourished in 护理 School 和 Beyond



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If two people underst和 the power of a supportive environment, it’s 法比奥和菲利西亚·吉拉尔多. 这对追求医疗保健的夫妇参加了会议 Herzing的奥兰多校区 在不同的时间,不同的程度, but they shared a passion for bettering the healthcare industry 和 they have done it together.

结婚6年, 两人都是从医疗抄写员开始他们的医疗事业的, transcribing critical healthcare information during clinical visits into electronic health records for a variety of different specialties. 费利西亚是护士的抄写员, where she witnessed firsth和 the impact that nurses have on their patients 和 their communities. 

“Seeing the difference that nurses make in the lives of others motivated me to earn my BSN 和 advance my career,她回忆道。. 

她开始努力争取她 护理学理学士 2017年在Herzing的奥兰多校区获得学位, where she found a balance between being comfortable 和 feeling challenged.

护理学院 was by far the hardest schooling experience I’ve ever had,费利西亚说。. “Since I was learning so much information in such a short amount of time, I relied heavily on tutoring resources 和 my professor’s office hours to help me truly underst和 the information instead of simply memorizing it. 我很幸运能得到这么多的支持。”

Another strong source of support for Felicia was her husb和, Fabio. 作为一名抄写员, Fabio thought he understood what Felicia was going through – until he began his nursing school journey.

“我看着她这么做, but I didn’t grasp how truly dem和ing nursing school is until I enrolled myself. I was taken aback by the level of difficulty, 和 found myself extremely challenged,法比奥说.

Like his wife, Fabio’s passion for nursing was sparked by an experience he had as a scribe.

“在我职业生涯的开始, 我从事行政保健工作, but after being allowed to contribute to a h和s-on nursing project, I saw a different side of nursing 和 knew that I wanted to do more,法比奥说.

After deciding to explore more about what a nursing career could offer, 法比奥开始寻找合适的学校. Already working full-time, Fabio needed a program that fit his dem和ing schedule. He quickly saw how many locations couldn’t accommodate people who work full-time but want to still return to school.

“I was shocked at the lack of options available for full-time workers,法比奥说. “直到我研究了赫zing的速成ASN幸运28计划. It was the only program that allowed me to keep my job while earning my degree. Plus, after seeing how Felicia flourished at Herzing, I knew it was the perfect fit for me.”

法比奥参加了赫zing的速成班 护理副学士(ASN) program in 2020 和 took the next step in his journey to becoming a nurse. It wasn’t long before Fabio faced navigating nursing school in the wake of a p和emic.

“不必 在线上我的课 这是一个我没有预料到的挑战,”法比奥. ”,但 辅导系统 offered through Herzing made an immense difference in my learning process.”

Fabio recalled how the greatest resource came in the form of spousal support. 作为一名护理学校的毕业生, 费利西亚有能力在各方面支持法比奥, 用她过去的经历作为参考. Fabio realized how he was, “lucky to have such a supportive partner. She helped me navigate all the resources available through Herzing, 同时也是我继续前进的动力, 尤其是当你开始怀疑自己的时候.”

法比奥和费利西亚都把这归功于 菏泽市就业中心 for preparing them for their postgraduate careers, especially when it comes to interviewing. 

“I was so much more confident in my interviewing abilities because of the amazing people, 教授, 其他学生, 还有整个就业中心,费利西亚说。. “Because I felt so prepared for interviews, I earned a job offer right out of school.”

目前, Fabio is the Executive Vice President for a provider of medical scribes to hospitals 和 medical practices, while Felicia is applying her talents to the cardiopulmonary progressive care unit (PCU) in 奥兰多 while completing her MSN-FNP. 

As they reflect on their experience in nursing school 和 beyond, the Giraldo’s share this piece of advice: “Take advantage of all the resources available to you 和 remind yourself that everyone wants to see you succeed. 不要害怕伸出援手.”




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