


商学学位适合你吗? 参加软件下载的测试并找出答案!


If your results more closely align with 医疗保健 or technology, that’s ok! You could use your business degree in both of those sectors, and many others.


根据 劳工统计局(BLS), business and financial operation careers are expected to grow and create 476,2019年至2029年间新增200个就业岗位. Business careers are expected to grow for a variety of different reasons, 包括增加数据和市场调查的使用. 商学学位也可以成为一份赚钱的职业, as the median annual wage for business and financial occupations in May 2019 was $69,820. 

商学学位也提供了很多的多样性. 当你想到商务人士, 你可能会想到小隔间, 公文包和朝九晚五的时间表. 尽管有些商业生涯可能会包含这些东西, 许多商业职业更加多样化. 你的日常工作, schedule, work schedules and responsibilities can vary greatly according to your degree, 技能与工作.



  • 会计: This is a very detail-oriented degree since every company needs to keep its financial records in order while ensuring accuracy. Earning your degree in accounting can prepare you for in-demand jobs such as an auditor, 报税员或注册会计师(CPA).
  • 企业管理: With your business management degree, you have the flexibility to work in a variety of fields. 你将学习会计方面的关键技能, management, 商业法, economics, 市场营销和销售帮助你在职业生涯中成长和进步.
  • 创业: A common misconception is that an entrepreneurship degree is only for those who want to start their own business, 而事实上, it can also be a good fit for people looking to expand a business or bring ideas to market. This degree will provide you with the leadership skills to get started in a variety of business roles.
  • 人力资源: This degree is closely tied to helping others and ensuring that organizations and their employees live up to their policies and guidelines. 凭你的人力资源学位, you can help companies succeed by creating a positive environment for employees.
  • Marketing有市场营销学位, you'll learn how to develop creative strategies to reach consumers and other target audiences while helping businesses grow. 这个领域竞争激烈,但也很有回报.
  • 幸运28计划管理: A bachelor's in project management provides you with the skills you need to effectively communicate with team members, 预见需求或挑战, 管理时间和预算, and more, 确保幸运28计划或计划的成功.

Each business degree provides you with a unique skill set and opportunities for advancement. 当然,商学学位只是职业生涯的起点. Employers look for individuals who are passionate and possess the skill set they need to succeed in their careers.

Herzing students can also advance their business degrees by enrolling in graduate school to pursue their 工商管理硕士(MBA). Make sure to thoroughly research each degree before determining which 商科学位很适合你.


Although specific skill sets vary according to your degree and career, 一些通用技能适用于任何商业生涯.

  • 沟通: 沟通 is an important part of any business career, and according to the 美国大学与雇主协会, written communication skills were the most sought-out attribute by employers in 2019. 作为一个商业专业人士, you will be responsible for communicating with employees through writing and speaking. Effective communication can avoid a lot of frustration and ultimately lead to more satisfied workers and higher productivity.
  • 批判性思维:你在压力下是否冷静, you must be able to evaluate complex problems and discover new solutions. Employers want to see that you can tackle issues, analyze all sides of a problem and think ahead.
  • Leadership不管你从事的是什么职业, 你的雇主正在寻找一个有进取心和负责任的人. Many of the qualities that make a great leader can be found in the Herzing P.R.I.C.E. 成功的 model, which emphasizes professionalism, respect, integrity, caring and engagement. 尽管你可能不会一毕业就管理一个团队, it is important that you build self-confidence and truly own your work. 试着做一个让别人尊敬的员工.


Although your career may be contingent on what type of business degree you earn, there are still many options for business professionals to choose from. In business, you can choose to work in a for-profit, non-profit or government organization. 虽然标题可能相似, your role could be vastly different depending on the type of company or organization. Some common titles for individuals with business degrees include the below, 尽管还有更多:

如果你决定获得商学学位, it’s a good idea to evaluate your passions and strongest skills to help you find the perfect career. 虽然你的学位可能是商科, 你仍然可以在科技领域找到一份工作, 医疗保健, 法律或教育领域. 探索你的选择!



美国劳工统计局(BLS.S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 地理与学位领域, 影响职业发展. Herzing does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase or other career growth. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水.

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