


在她的课程和职业生涯中,莉莉安娜一直被提醒着两个重要的教训—— healthcare isn't one-size-fits-all, 公平与平等不同.

莉莉安娜Trespalacios的护理之路是由对他人生活产生积极影响的愿望激发的. 在哥伦比亚出生和长大, 莉莉安娜17岁时怀着成为一名医生的梦想搬到了美国. 然而, life often takes unexpected turns, 而Liliana发现自己走上了一条不同的道路——这条道路是通往护理的.

在寻找护理专业的过程中,莉莉安娜发现了赫zing大学及其广阔的校园 护理路径. 在这里, 她觉得自己与一个支持她的学术团体联系在一起,这个团体认可她的潜力和她带来的独特能力. 她与Herzing-出赛的学术界建立了联系 National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN).

As the nation’s leading professional society for Latino nurses, NAHN represents the voices of Latino nurses across the country, 致力于促进西班牙裔社区的健康,同时为西班牙裔护士创造和促进机会.

partnership between Herzing 和 NAHN has been a game-changer for me," Liliana shared. "It's not just about education; it's about accessibility. Through NAHN’s national scholarship program, I was fortunate to receive the Abbott Scholarship, 既减轻了我的经济负担,又能回馈社会." 


"As a member of NAHN's Pre-护理 和 Mentorship committee, I've embarked on a mission to bridge gaps in education,莉莉安娜分享道. “从远程学习的挑战到在线教育的细微差别, 我想确保每一代护理专业的学生都比他们的前辈有一个更顺利的旅程."

莉莉安娜对成功的追求体现在她积极的志愿服务和课外活动的参与上. 她是一个骄傲的成员 Sigma Theta Tau 国际 Honor Society of 护理, where she honed her leadership skills. On top of that, she's actively involved in the National Student Nurses Association 在国家和地方层面, 与志同道合的专业人士联系,分享她对医疗保健的热情.

“re is so much value in seizing opportunities, that's why I actively participate in volunteerism wherever possible,”她说。. “It's a way for me to stay informed 和 give back to my field."

在她的课程和职业生涯中,莉莉安娜一直被提醒着两个重要的教训—— healthcare isn't one-size-fits-all, 公平与平等不同

"True healthcare equity goes beyond equality; it involves underst和ing 和 accommodating individual needs based on cultural 和 genetic differences,她强调说. "Equality is like giving everyone the same bike, 但公平确保了自行车适合你,因为对一个人有用的东西可能对另一个人不起作用. The same principle applies to healthcare; we need equity, not just equality. 每个人通往目标的旅程就像他们的指纹一样独一无二, 但美丽在于软件下载可以开辟无数条通往目的地的道路.”

作为一名西班牙裔护士,莉莉安娜最重要的优势之一是她能够在更深层次上与有着相似背景的病人建立联系. This natural connection fosters greater empathy, 提高患者信任度, enhances positive health outcomes.

"In the growing Hispanic community, having healthcare professionals who mirror this diversity is not just beneficial; it's essential,莉莉安娜说. “软件下载需要能够理解并与来自不同文化背景的患者建立联系的专业人士,以提供尽可能最好的护理."

Liliana还强调了在保健教育中进行文化能力培训的重要性. She underst和s that it's not just about underst和ing the medical aspects; it's about recognizing 和 respecting the diverse backgrounds of patients — that greater cultural awareness allows for greater community service.

"As our educational l和scape evolves, 现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是解决许多学生所经历的代表性差距,莉莉安娜接着说. “为了别人,也为了我, 教育工作者可以成为变革的催化剂,成为学生需要看到的榜样,让他们相信医疗保健是一个多元化和包容性的领域. This is what creates future healthcare providers."

As she becomes a catalyst of change for future professionals, Liliana continues to volunteer 和 participate. 作为一名成员 NSNA 领导 U Honor Society, she has been identified as someone who others can look up to.  另外, whether it is medical mission trips or international shadowing programs, Liliana继续计划通过在全球范围内的经历来积累她的知识.

莉莉安娜说:“我帮助别人的热情永远超越国界。. “我很兴奋能够影响后代,而不仅仅是在国内, 而是我能去的任何地方."


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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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